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Ain't the brightest bulb in the box
Is MosFet just another way of saying class "D".
When my amp died I was looking for an inexpensive one till I could decide on a permanent model.
I found a diy for sale at a decent price built with a First One board. Everything I read said MosFet so
I gave it a go. While I knew it was temporary I found it to be pretty good in most aspects. After loosing money on a couple of amps I ended up with the Musical Fidelity M6s PRX and enjoy it.
Thinking on a secondary system for the office I am pondering the little diy so I put it back into the system with the Fyne 501SP speakers and was surprised how well it did with most mids and highs but was lacking in the mid and low bass departments. I didn't really realize that until speaking with Steve (thank you sir) and discussing the sound. Man that guy knows of what he speaks. Am thinking of sending it to him to see what can be done with it but is it really worth it. If it is D is there no hope of improvement?
Thanks Guys
I have an M6si (for many years) and it rules! :thumb:
Take a pretty penny to best it. 8) For any 1 negative review (either "professional" or audiophile) there's a 1,000 positive reviews.
In terms of MOSFET they're ubiquitous (i.e. in certain amps, preamps, dacs, you name it).
Enjoy your M6s PRX, Don. :)
S Clark:
Mosfet is a different thing from Class D.
Metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistors (Mosfet) have been around a long time (1925)- so it's a variation of a transistor amp.
There are still several around, and the Moscode 401HR is my current amp of choice in one of my systems.
They can product high power with moderate heat. Like all amp types, the devil is in the details.
Power MOSFET's can be used in Class A, Class AB and Class D amps, so it depends on the amplifier topology.
Class A and Class AB tend to be VFET or HEXFET styles. The HEXFET can also be used in Class D. The Hafler DH/XL series used VFET's along with the MOSCODE amps in the output stage along with Acoustat TNT series amps.
GaN devices are a type of MOSFET. It depends on the amplifier topology, but mainly used for Class D amps. Also SiC devices another type of MOSFET can be used in Class D amps as well.
That and $5 will get you a cup of coffee. :)
Finally found some info on the unit.
Diyaudio has a section from LazyCat (designer) and states 250 W and 16 Amp continuous current. They do state it as a class A/B.
Max Power 8 Ohm 150 Watt 0.05 THD
Max Power 4 Ohm 230 Watt 0.05 THD
Bandwidth 3 Hz to 3 MHz (-3dB)
THD 0.0034% (100 Watt)
IMD 0.003%
SNR 110 dB
Input Impedance 10 Kohm
Damping Factor >2000 (4 ohm)
Year Introduction 2014
Does continuous current mean class A? And am I right assuming it's 75 per channel into 8 Ohm?
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