Systemic Development > Bipolar System Disorders
Gary Dodd battery powered system utube video by Danny Ritchie
Nick B:
This video came up this morning and I really enjoyed it.
I've heard about Gary and his products for quite some time. Danny discusses a complete "off the grid" battery powered system that Gary designed.
For some reason, Bob Crump's name came to mind and my recollection is that he was innovative as well and designed some great products.
S Clark:
I've used Dodd preamps for years. I also had a variation of that Dac that Danny uses, but I let it go to Ron Vedder- I couldn't keep it from dropping connection. I also had a Dodd phono preamp-- a very nice piece, but i had to admit I liked a much cheaper Jolida better. So it also went to Ron.
The preamps? I'm sure there's something better, but I haven't heard it.
The other battery powered gear that I use is our own Folsom's tda7297 chip amp. I've got a couple of Dodd amps that are excellent, but Jeremy's amp is right there with them for speakers that don't need power.
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