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New Squeezebox 3's
Black Sand Cable:
I have a few brand new SB3's if anybody is looking.
2 - *SOLD*
0 - Silver & Black *SOLD*
$249.00 each and I will cover shipping to most locations in Canada and the USA.
Cool! Are these the unmodified ones?
Black Sand Cable:
Thanks :D
Rob Babcock:
Wow! That Squeezebox/Infrant Bundle looks cool.
--- Quote from: "Rob Babcock" ---Wow! That Squeezebox/Infrant Bundle looks cool.
--- End quote ---
It is very cool ;) Handy and convenient, that's for sure. But the NAS can be a tad slow running slimserver, but I got used to it. The NAS has a noisy fan. In fact, they had some overheating problems so recent software bumped the idle fan speed up to 2600rpm. Making it even louder than before. So you have to find a nice closet for it. Other than that, it's nice to have a fast safe place for all the media.
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