Author Topic: Help: Audiophile friendly master electrician Nassau County Long Island NY  (Read 4852 times)

Offline sleepyguy24

  • Obsessively Audiophilic
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Just trying to help out a fellow Long Islander. No affiliation with the guy. If anyone has any leads either post here or reply on A'gon. I'll try to route the guy here for more audio fun.

Offline P.I.

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  • Silence is that blackness beneath the music
    • P.I. audio group, LLC
Just trying to help out a fellow Long Islander. No affiliation with the guy. If anyone has any leads either post here or reply on A'gon. I'll try to route the guy here for more audio fun.
It is always good to have "A Guy" in your pocket whose eyes don't glaze over when you tell them you want your wiring done in a different manner.  There aren't too many journeymen out there that "get it".  Cool that you have A Guy.
"A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument." - Hilmar von Campe