General Hospital > Special Events
AudioNervosa is raffling a new Slim Duet
Count me in too.
Just updated the original post to clarify that this will be a production unit, not a beta/pre-release version. Also, I realized I should note we've had our little forum for a year now!
Thanks again to everyone that's participating.
Awwwwww! That means we have to wait.... :duh We can't have yours, huh?
That's right, Rich... you'll have to wait... :drool:
Besides, I only have a pre-release remote without all the bugs worked out of it. I'm betting the full Duet system will be available by the time of the drawing. [-o<
Count me in as well. I've used the SB Controller and it's great, even in pre-production form, so the finished product should be outstanding.
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