Systemic Development > Bipolar System Disorders

I Need A Flat Power Cord…

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James Edward:
I will soon be asking in a separate post about your thoughts on ‘stereo bass’ using subs. But in the meantime, I’m looking at the mechanics of it…
No electrical outlet near my right speaker, where I would be placing the second sub. I need a flat enough power cord to hide under my area rug without a noticeable hump. My system is in my living room, necessitating both stealth and aesthetics along with the avoidance of noise in the system. I’m not concerned about the speaker wire running to the additional sub, it would run parallel to the wire already there. But, and a big but- running an A/C cord parallel is a big
no-no as far as noise is concerned.
You guys with a dedicated room have no idea how I suffer for my craft!…
If anyone’s come across a flat cord in their endeavors, please let me know. I’ll be looking myself, but it can’t hurt to ask.

James Edward:
I should add it needs to be at least 12 feet long.

James Edward:
I can also roll my own if there are raw wire alternatives out there.

They can be purchased on Amazon. Search flat or under carpet ext cord

James Edward:


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