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Your favorite show?

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Average White Band The Front Row Cleveland,OH
Peter Tosh              The Front Row  Cleveland,OH
Santana                  Blossom Music Center,OH
B52's                      Vets Memorial Columbus,OH
Neil Young               Athens,OH
Miles Davis              Oxford,OH
Grateful Dead           Hampton,VA
Steve Miller Band      Buckeye Lake,OH
Bob James               The Front Row, Cleveland,OH
Oingo Boingo            
Echo and the Bunnyman

I can't remember any  :?  :?  :?  #-o

-Harry Chapin at the Paramount theater in Austin, 1975 - ish (I was 9)
-The Police, Synchronicity tour, the Meadowlands, Austin, 1983
- Tears for Fears, Songs from the Big Chair, Austin 1985

More recently,
- Calgary Folk Festival 2006 - three and a half days of music on six stages, at Prince's Island Park near downtown.  Very nice.
- Salif Keita at the Afrikadey festival, Calgary, 2006

A couple I will always remember...

I was about 18, and John McLaughlin was touring Australia as part of a trio (with Trilok Gurtu and Dominic Di Piazza.  If you've heard "Live at Festival Hall", it's the same period.  That recording had Kai Ekhart on bass rather than DiPiazza though).  I was too poor to pay full price for a ticket, so a friend and I went along hoping to get cheap tickets at the door.  They said no.  So we crept in through a side door to find the hall about half full (maybe 1500 people) - but witnessed one of the most amazing musical experiences I could ever imagine.  Left me grinning in amazement for weeks.

When I was about 22, Dire Straits played an outdoor show in Canberra, Australia on the "On Every Street" tour.  It rained.  A lot.  But the sound was so good, and it was music that I loved...I would have stayed out in the rain all night, if only they'd kept playing.

I heard McCoy Tyner at the Blue Note in New York in about 1996 or 97.  It was a double bill, that night - The McCoy Tyner Trio and John Scofield.  I love Scofield, but he was playing music from an album I think was named "Quiet", and I never really got into it.  But after the break, McCoy Tyner came out and I swear, as soon as he hit the first chord I started sweating.  There was instantly so much energy and life and intensity in the place, and it didn't ease up until McCoy Tyner had finished playing.  It was just breathtaking.

Kenny Garrett played at the Detroit Jazz Festival in about 1997.  The festival takes place in downtown Detroit, on about four or five stages, all really close together.  It's a pretty wide range of music, as is reflected by a really diverse crowd - definitely not your typical jazz crowd.  Kenny Garrett started playing and within about five minutes almost every single person had left every other stage and was crowded around the big one in the center.  I imagine about 70% of the people there had never even heard of Kenny Garrett, but every one of them was dancing and going crazy at the way he managed to squeeze these deep, spiritual solos out of  what seemed like the simplest but most compelling grooves you could imagine.  The last tune he played finished with him repeating a riff over and over again, until the crowd had picked it up.  The crowd kept singing it while he just exploded with the sort of solo that leaves you weak at the knees.  Eventually he finished.  The band walked off the stage.  But the crowd kept singing the riff anyway.


one of my favorite concerts was Frank Zappa's "you are what you is" tour at a small venue north of Baltimore called painters mill. Steve Vai was taking turns playing lead Guitar with FZ and then Zappa Played the third movement from the theme of Sinister footwear while sitting on a stool and the whole house went wild, Terry Bozzio was on Drums and played a stellar set,Frank Zappa was totally insane on electric Guitar. god i miss him :(


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