The Market > Group Buys, Groupons, and Tours

the Grover Tour begins.

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  Received them today. I will bring them to the Rave as Evan is next as we all have a two week time frame according to Grover.
  In the system warming, out of the box from a cold start through Lenehan S2 speakers which are brand spanking new, my my my. Not bright, hard or Hi Fi sounding, a great start.
  I will pull the Lenehans to give the cables a fair comparison. They are going against Harmonix Golden Ratio  [ $2800 ] and Tara Decade [ $1000 ]. We shall see.  :drool:


 $2800 ] and Tara Decade [ $1000 ]. We shall see.   

I love the prices these guys put on cables :rofl:
such a scam :duh

Hand made in their kitchen or relabled chinese cable!
but hey people will pay what they will or what the market will bear :thumb:

Not trying to start any trouble, but we all know the prices are made up and not commensurate with work involved or rarity of materials, anyone who has made his own cable(and that would be many of us) knows this to be true.

When one pays more for a piece of wire than for a preamp or amp, then something is wrong..(as we all know)

That Grover offers cables that may perform equal to or above the other high prices cables is apllaudable :clap:
I hope they kick ass :thumb:(truly)

I always thought it was embarrasing to buy high priced cables, it sort of admits how stupid we are..or how vain

What sucks it that the expensive cable usually sounds better, like wine there are expensive bottles, and they are expensive usually because they taste best, but they don't cost anywhere near their retail to manufacture.

Hopefully Grover can deliver a LaTour or Sassicaia for Cote du Rhone prices

Just my 2 cents


I didn't think I'd have time but maybe I will.  Please put me on the tour.  I will be comparing them to JPS Ultraconductor II's.

Triode Pete:
Please place me on the tour as well... BTW, I'm located between rollo & Emil and next to BobM...


Hi guys this is great, I personally think my cables will do great against all competition. Everyone wishing to be on the tour please PM me your address. This is complicated but I promise to do my best. Rollo can keep the cables as long as necessary. Like you topround

Oh and one more thing, try not to let price prejudice influence your judgement. You know this cable costs 10 times more so it has to sound better. You'd be surprised how often I encounter this, and how the mind works.


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