Author Topic: Re: Dave's IC's  (Read 105179 times)


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Re: Dave's IC's
« Reply #120 on: December 09, 2013, 01:33:46 PM »
Thanks for posting Mike, glad you like the D3.  :)

Great explanation of the differences between the DD and D3, I think they are different enough there's room for both, and after having a few folks test them in their own systems that seems to be confirmed.

The DD may work better for systems that are a touch on the warm side... systems with triode tube amps or some class A SS. The D3 may be best for systems that tend toward neutral, clean and bright. The D3 tone is magical on some systems, it just adds this sense of realness.

I am going to paste your review on the AC tour thread, it is very through and really above and beyond the call, I do appreciate it.

A few pics of the D3



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Re: Dave's IC's
« Reply #121 on: December 10, 2013, 10:11:54 AM »
A few pics of a DD XLR cable:

Offline jimbones

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Re: Dave's IC's
« Reply #122 on: December 27, 2013, 06:11:26 AM »
Is there any speaker cable making the tour? (8' length)
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Re: Dave's IC's
« Reply #123 on: December 27, 2013, 02:41:57 PM »
Hi Jim,

Yes, PM sent.

The tour cables are on their last stop so i can send them to you before they make it back to me. There is a 12' pair of speaker cables in there...  :)

I will have D3 cables for demo soon too... I had a lot more orders over the last month and ran out of ground wire. 

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Re: Dave's IC's
« Reply #124 on: December 28, 2013, 07:14:45 AM »
Hi Jim,

Yes, PM sent.

The tour cables are on their last stop so i can send them to you before they make it back to me. There is a 12' pair of speaker cables in there...  :)

I will have D3 cables for demo soon too... I had a lot more orders over the last month and ran out of ground wire. 

  Well that is good news. nothing better than sales.

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Re: Dave's IC's
« Reply #125 on: December 28, 2013, 07:28:25 AM »
Looking forward to hearing the D3 with the new Neotech gold silver alloy.
My plain old copper Neotech sounds awesome can only imagine a good silver alloy that is super pure.!

Neotech may change the cable landscape as we see it it in the not too distant future.

System consists of an amp a preamp, 2 speakers a turntable and a phono preamp, Also some cables and power cords and a really cheap cd player.


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Re: Dave's IC's
« Reply #126 on: December 28, 2013, 10:02:25 AM »
Thanks rollo, things have been busy. I realized I was running out of ground wire right before Christmas so ordering more has been slow but I should have it in by the end of the week I hope.

As soon as I do I will make several D3s and get them burning in. This is causing about a 2 week delay in getting the D3s ready to demo, all the other ones I have are sold so I am without one for my own system too and I miss it!

topround, yes if you like UPOCC copper the silver/gold will blow you away. I was hesitant to even try it and then more hesitant to buy it because of the obscene price but when you have the best wire in the world I guess you charge whatever you want. I think the price is worth it for use as signal wire and ICs, it's speaker cables where the price gets out of hand... 

Personally, I wouldn't use anything but UPOCC metals anymore for my system but I'm not sure it complements every system. The downside is that it is very revealing, almost ruthless... if there are issues that cause harshness or edginess the cables won't smooth things out and make them more palatable with added warmth, body and bloat that is characteristic of normal copper. I am actually considering offering a lower end speaker cable that isn't as accurate, but has more warmth and body because it will work better with mid-fi and systems that aren't quite as perfect as we expect them to be here.

I also have plans in the works for a D3 uber, it'll have silver/gold ground wire and WBT silver nextgen RCA plugs or top of the line Furutech... Over on AC it was clear that a Jorma Unity IC cable beat out the DD... the guy testing said if I can beat the Jorma he'd buy it, so I have to try  :)   The Jorma is $4k so we will see. While the DD is good it's NOT the last word in accuracy so I think it's possible the Neotech alloy + silver RCA plugs will be quite a bit better than the DD. If it can match or beat the Jorma IDK.  :)

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Re: Dave's IC's
« Reply #127 on: December 28, 2013, 01:39:51 PM »
Dave my cables were terminated with WBT copper nextgen, and soldered with Mundorf silver / gold solder.

You might want to try that? My cables were also not that expensive.
That some people would pay 4K for an interconnect really shows how much of an advantage marketers have over us silly audiophiles.

It really is just terminating wire, and it does mostly occur in people kitchens.

Not trying to be funny, but somewhere along the road it all got really out of hand. And now they just prey on well heeled audiophiles with insecurities, which makes me wonder how they got so well heeled to begin with?

Yes, I recently became a Neotech fanboy because it really levels the playing field...alot. and takes some of the ridiculousness out of the hobby
System consists of an amp a preamp, 2 speakers a turntable and a phono preamp, Also some cables and power cords and a really cheap cd player.

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Re: Dave's IC's
« Reply #128 on: December 31, 2013, 08:12:08 AM »
Dave my cables were terminated with WBT copper nextgen, and soldered with Mundorf silver / gold solder.

You might want to try that? My cables were also not that expensive.
That some people would pay 4K for an interconnect really shows how much of an advantage marketers have over us silly audiophiles.

It really is just terminating wire, and it does mostly occur in people kitchens.

Not trying to be funny, but somewhere along the road it all got really out of hand. And now they just prey on well heeled audiophiles with insecurities, which makes me wonder how they got so well heeled to begin with?

Yes, I recently became a Neotech fanboy because it really levels the playing field...alot. and takes some of the ridiculousness out of the hobby

   Cable pricing was determined by the rags who boldly stated they should be 10% of system cost. Then the shit broke loose. The difference can be small or huge depending on system. Agreed $4000 is over the top but I wonder what they sound like in direct comparison.
   Remember when you installed Kaplans ICs at your meeting. Night and day presentation. There not $4000 but may be worth every penny for someone. Same with cartridges small gain big bucks.

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Re: Dave's IC's
« Reply #129 on: December 31, 2013, 08:59:15 AM »
I think neotech is big gains ,small bucks!
System consists of an amp a preamp, 2 speakers a turntable and a phono preamp, Also some cables and power cords and a really cheap cd player.

Offline richidoo

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Re: Dave's IC's
« Reply #130 on: December 31, 2013, 10:09:29 AM »
That some people would pay 4K for an interconnect really shows how much of an advantage marketers have over us silly audiophiles.

It really is just terminating wire, and it does mostly occur in people kitchens.

Not trying to be funny, but somewhere along the road it all got really out of hand. And now they just prey on well heeled audiophiles with insecurities, which makes me wonder how they got so well heeled to begin with?

Yes, I recently became a Neotech fanboy because it really levels the playing field...alot. and takes some of the ridiculousness out of the hobby

Beware the giant killers.  People buy value, not price.

EDIT: I added mike's quote so that people wouldn't think I am attacking Dave's Cables.  I am standing up for value mfgs and value buyers who have learned the hard way that you can't get something for nothing. Tho people never stop trying, they become "giant-killer" bait. The giant killers never last long because they can't compete with value sellers over time. 
« Last Edit: December 31, 2013, 10:58:13 AM by richidoo »


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Re: Dave's IC's
« Reply #131 on: December 31, 2013, 10:55:14 AM »
People buy value, not price.

In any case, there's no doubt that everyone here has likely passed the "best value" threshold and moved somewhere into the land of diminishing returns on investment. I could make an IC with twisted pair of UPOCC copper + cheap RCAs for under $100, and it would sound ok. At some point you get to "small gains big bucks" as rollo said.

topround, I agree with you wrt UPOCC copper, it's much more expensive than regular copper but even so the increase in price isn't significant in the cost of a cable. But with silver and the ag/gd alloy the expense is significant! UPOCC silver is the same price as Duelund silver and the ag/gd alloy is double that! Retail for 28g wire is over $7/ft!!!

« Last Edit: December 31, 2013, 03:21:05 PM by DaveC »


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Re: Dave's IC's
« Reply #132 on: December 31, 2013, 12:57:43 PM »
I for one have absolutely no issue with products at all price points. In fact I'm happy cost no object cables and other components exist, because there are people who will buy them.

Also, I did not think you were attacking my cables, I am certainly offering one of the best values for the money in this crazy niche.  :thumb:

« Last Edit: December 31, 2013, 08:30:46 PM by DaveC »

Offline topround

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Re: Dave's IC's
« Reply #133 on: December 31, 2013, 03:43:30 PM »
I am not saying Neotech is a giant killer.
But be be aware that there are at  least 20 major cable companies that use Neotech wire in their products. There are only 3 companies in the world licensed to make OCC wire, so it makes sense that a lot of it would make its way into the hands of cable manufacturers.

So maybe the giant killer really isn't killing a giant , just a variation of itself.
System consists of an amp a preamp, 2 speakers a turntable and a phono preamp, Also some cables and power cords and a really cheap cd player.

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Re: Dave's IC's
« Reply #134 on: December 31, 2013, 08:15:58 PM »
Hi Dave

Will you be doing a 75 Ohm coax cable that can be used from a CD transport to a DAC? If not which Coax cables would you recommend that would match well with the DD2? I'm listening to my system now where I had your cables in place and I"m pondering an entire Dave's cable set-up. Right now my digital coax cable is a McCormack Wonderlink J.

Thanks and Happy New Year.