Thanks rollo, things have been busy. I realized I was running out of ground wire right before Christmas so ordering more has been slow but I should have it in by the end of the week I hope.
As soon as I do I will make several D3s and get them burning in. This is causing about a 2 week delay in getting the D3s ready to demo, all the other ones I have are sold so I am without one for my own system too and I miss it!
topround, yes if you like UPOCC copper the silver/gold will blow you away. I was hesitant to even try it and then more hesitant to buy it because of the obscene price but when you have the best wire in the world I guess you charge whatever you want. I think the price is worth it for use as signal wire and ICs, it's speaker cables where the price gets out of hand...
Personally, I wouldn't use anything but UPOCC metals anymore for my system but I'm not sure it complements every system. The downside is that it is very revealing, almost ruthless... if there are issues that cause harshness or edginess the cables won't smooth things out and make them more palatable with added warmth, body and bloat that is characteristic of normal copper. I am actually considering offering a lower end speaker cable that isn't as accurate, but has more warmth and body because it will work better with mid-fi and systems that aren't quite as perfect as we expect them to be here.
I also have plans in the works for a D3 uber, it'll have silver/gold ground wire and WBT silver nextgen RCA plugs or top of the line Furutech... Over on AC it was clear that a Jorma Unity IC cable beat out the DD... the guy testing said if I can beat the Jorma he'd buy it, so I have to try

The Jorma is $4k so we will see. While the DD is good it's NOT the last word in accuracy so I think it's possible the Neotech alloy + silver RCA plugs will be quite a bit better than the DD. If it can match or beat the Jorma IDK.