OK, I think I will start the tour with guys who don't want to check out the speaker cable, then I can send off SC to those who would like to check it out later. I will try to arrange it so you'll get the SC at the same time as the ICs if you're also on the IC tour.
So, we have:
StereoNut, no SC (NY)
Bob M, no SC (NY)
sleepyguy24, ? SC

(NY) -let me know, it's up to you... by the time StereoNut and BoBM get through with the ICs, the SCs will be burned in and ready to send out if you are interested.
mdfoy, yes SC (PA)
Nick B, ? SC (UT) -let me know if you want to check out the SCs
bpape, no SC (MO) -last on the list, keeps for 3-4 weeks
I need a few more days to burn in the ICs, so StereoNut will recieve the IC cables in about one week.

I have detailed pricing on the 14 gauge wire and speaker cable now.
The 14 gauge wire will sell for $8.59/ft.
I am going to make it available in bulk as well as finished speaker cable so people can use it for internal speaker wiring, crossovers, hook up wire inside amps, etc.
One caveat is that tinning the ends will require a solder pot, but a high wattage soldering iron with a large tip may work as well.
I will have an introductory price on speaker cable, the deal will be you get a finished set of speaker cables for the price of parts!
So an 8' set of SCs costs $275 without connectors. The connector prices are listed below, I can also do half spades and half bananas of course.
The "FP" and "FT" type connectors come with either
Gold or
Rhodium plating, prices are listed for both in
G/R format.
Add $96/$172 for Furutech FP-200B(G/R) Bananas
Add $290/350 for Furutech FT-212(G/R) Bananas
Add $900 for Furutech CF-202(R) Bananas
Add $140/180 for Furutech FP-201(G/R) Spades
Add $250/280 for Furutech FT-211(G/R) Spades
Add $725 for Furutech CF-201(R) Spades
I think the best bang for your buck is with the FP-201(G) spades, an 8 foot set would cost $415. With half FP spades and half FP bananas the price would be $393.
In the future I do plan on actually charging for cable construction, but for now I would like to get as many cables out there as I can