Author Topic: Bluebook Subscription  (Read 67805 times)

Offline jimbones

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Bluebook Subscription
« on: January 02, 2015, 05:36:37 PM »
Anyone interested in a share of Bluebook on Agon? I'd like to start a club subscription. PM me if interested.
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Offline richidoo

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Re: Bluebook Subscription
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2015, 06:00:03 PM »
What's the cost now?

Is group subscription limited in use from individual, or how does it work?

I once subscribed when it was $5 and when I traded more. I still burned myself by buying on impulse before I remembered to to look it up.  :duh

Offline jimbones

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Re: Bluebook Subscription
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2015, 06:26:14 PM »
$100 yr not sure on the use.
Rogue RP7 Pre, Art Audio Vinyl Reference Phono,CJ Premier 12 Pwr, VPI Classic II/Dynavector 20X2L, Roon Rock, Auralic Vega DAC, Emotiva ERC-3, MIT, TWL, WireWorld, Wywires, Shunyata

Offline sleepyguy24

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Re: Bluebook Subscription
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2015, 08:47:47 PM »
I'm out at this time. One of my New Years Resolutions is to be better with money. I'll be getting out of the audio buy try and sell at a loss game.

I had the Audiogon bluebook subscription some years ago before the change in regime and overhaul to the site. It was an ok tool in terms of getting the final prices of gear. Sometimes it would get skewed. An example that came to mind was McCormack gear. The bluebook couldn't differentiate between modified amps and stock ones. The bluebook had historical pricing of some of the DNA lines of amps appreciating in value when it was just modified amps being sold.

Also with Audiogon no matter what you list at you will get lowballed. People will pay what they want to pay. That is my past experience.

Below is a search I use to see historical listings on Audiogon. It doesn't give you a completed listing end price but it gives you what people listed their stuff at.

In google I search like this.

dodd preamp

It will then give me expired historical listings of any Dodd preamps if there were listings on A'gon for it. From there I'll look at as many listings as I want too and determine pricing from there.

From looking at the Dodd preamp expired listings prices SN's pricing on his Dodd preamp is a good deal.

Also I look on Ebay was well to get an idea on pricing. I use their completed listings search in the Advanced search section.

Offline StereoNut

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Re: Bluebook Subscription
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2015, 08:56:49 PM »
I'm out at this time. One of my New Years Resolutions is to be better with money. I'll be getting out of the audio buy try and sell at a loss game.

I had the Audiogon bluebook subscription some years ago before the change in regime and overhaul to the site. It was an ok tool in terms of getting the final prices of gear. Sometimes it would get skewed. An example that came to mind was McCormack gear. The bluebook couldn't differentiate between modified amps and stock ones. The bluebook had historical pricing of some of the DNA lines of amps appreciating in value when it was just modified amps being sold.

Also with Audiogon no matter what you list at you will get lowballed. People will pay what they want to pay. That is my past experience.

Below is a search I use to see historical listings on Audiogon. It doesn't give you a completed listing end price but it gives you what people listed their stuff at.

In google I search like this.

dodd preamp

It will then give me expired historical listings of any Dodd preamps if there were listings on A'gon for it. From there I'll look at as many listings as I want too and determine pricing from there.

From looking at the Dodd preamp expired listings prices SN's pricing on his Dodd preamp is a good deal.

Also I look on Ebay was well to get an idea on pricing. I use their completed listings search in the Advanced search section.

Thanks, Dean! :thumb:
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Offline jimbones

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Re: Bluebook Subscription
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2015, 07:40:11 AM »
Dean, Good Luck on treating your illness. I hope you don't relapse  :rofl:. I agree with you that there is now way to account for modded stuff. For example: How many variants are there of the Linn Sondek?
Rogue RP7 Pre, Art Audio Vinyl Reference Phono,CJ Premier 12 Pwr, VPI Classic II/Dynavector 20X2L, Roon Rock, Auralic Vega DAC, Emotiva ERC-3, MIT, TWL, WireWorld, Wywires, Shunyata

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Re: Bluebook Subscription
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2015, 06:15:10 AM »
    Maybe in the future AN might offer the Bluebook for its members as a freebie. Almost. Meaning access must be earned by amount of posts or some sort of participation plan. If sponsorship grows it could be paid for. My 2 cents.

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Offline sleepyguy24

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Re: Bluebook Subscription
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2015, 09:19:21 AM »
I found this pricing site on another forum. Some prices seem a bit low but it is another tool for someone to use to get an idea of pricing.

Here is a sample search for Jolida.

Offline Nick B

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Re: Bluebook Subscription
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2015, 07:11:24 PM »
I found this pricing site on another forum. Some prices seem a bit low but it is another tool for someone to use to get an idea of pricing.

Here is a sample search for Jolida.

Good site. Thx  :thumb:
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Offline sleepyguy24

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Re: Bluebook Subscription
« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2015, 07:39:47 AM »
Just an update with the idea I put out above on how to search historical listings on Audigon for pricing ideas.


Accuphase C200

Well Audiogon has done something now because when I did the Accuphase search on Google and the older results don't show the prices anymore. When you click on the links from the results of expired ads it says: This listing is no longer active [Expired] with no pricing. Now to see the historical listing price from the ad you have to click on the Cached results from Google instead. Kind of annoying but you can still get some idea of pricing.