Well, we are all demolished. Down to bare foundation walls. It appears a new room 13 x 22 x 8 will be had. Not doing entire space rebuild. Going to either Qln Prestige 3 or 1 speakers.
Open rafter ceiling with wool carpet over masonite and concrete slab. Five dedicated 15A and 20A lines. Two layers 5/8" th. sheetrock over metal studs which will be grounded. Insurance companies coming along as well as unsuspected FEMA money. Thank you for your prayers.
I ran a room mode calculator on these dimensions. Keep in mind that modes are typically ~ 5Hz wide. Here are the results below 150Hz:
1 25.58 Hz G0# 1-0-0 ax
2 43.28 Hz F1 0-1-0 ax
3 50.27 Hz G1 1-1-0 tan
4 51.15 Hz G1# 2-0-0 ax
5 67.01 Hz C2 2-1-0 tan
6 70.33 Hz C2# 0-0-1 ax
7 74.84 Hz D2 1-0-1 tan
8 76.73 Hz D2# 3-0-0 ax
9 82.58 Hz E2 0-1-1 tan
10 86.45 Hz F2 1-1-1 obl
11 86.56 Hz F2 0-2-0 ax
12 86.97 Hz F2 2-0-1 tan
13 88.09 Hz F2 3-1-0 tan
14 90.26 Hz F2# 1-2-0 tan15 97.14 Hz G2 2-1-1 obl
16 100.55 Hz G2 2-2-0 tan
17 102.3 Hz G2# 4-0-0 ax
18 104.09 Hz G2# 3-0-1 tan
19 111.08 Hz A2 4-1-0 tan
20 111.53 Hz A2 0-2-1 tan
21 112.73 Hz A2 3-1-1 obl
22 114.43 Hz A2# 1-2-1 obl
23 115.67 Hz A2# 3-2-0 tan
24 122.7 Hz B2 2-2-1 obl
25 124.15 Hz B2 4-0-1 tan
26 127.88 Hz C3 5-0-0 ax
27 129.85 Hz C3 0-3-0 ax
28 131.48 Hz C3 4-1-1 obl
29 132.34 Hz C3 1-3-0 tan
30 134.01 Hz C3 4-2-0 tan
31 135 Hz C3# 5-1-0 tan
32 135.38 Hz C3# 3-2-1 obl
33 139.56 Hz C3# 2-3-0 tan
34 140.67 Hz C3# 0-0-2 ax
35 142.97 Hz D3 1-0-2 tan
36 145.94 Hz D3 5-0-1 tan
37 147.17 Hz D3 0-1-2 tan
38 147.67 Hz D3 0-3-1 tan
39 149.38 Hz D3 1-1-2 obl
40 149.68 Hz D3 2-0-2 tan
41 149.87 Hz D3 1-3-1 obl
42 150.82 Hz D3 3-3-0 tan
These dimensions will give you a HUGE mode centered at ~ 87Hz. Uhm, not to rain on your parade but here is the thunderstorm: this is one of the worst places that you can have an 18dB bump which is about what you will have with those dimensions.
If you go close to golden ratios (18.5 x 13 x

here is the distribution:
1 30.41 Hz B0 1-0-0 ax
2 43.28 Hz F1 0-1-0 ax
3 52.9 Hz G1# 1-1-0 tan
4 60.83 Hz B1 2-0-0 ax
5 70.33 Hz C2# 0-0-1 ax
6 74.66 Hz D2 2-1-0 tan
7 76.63 Hz D2# 1-0-1 tan
8 82.58 Hz E2 0-1-1 tan
9 86.56 Hz F2 0-2-0 ax
10 88.01 Hz F2 1-1-1 obl
11 91.24 Hz F2# 3-0-0 ax
12 91.75 Hz F2# 1-2-0 tan
13 92.99 Hz F2# 2-0-1 tan
14 100.99 Hz G2# 3-1-0 tan
15 102.57 Hz G2# 2-1-1 obl
16 105.8 Hz G2# 2-2-0 tan
17 111.53 Hz A2 0-2-1 tan
18 115.2 Hz A2# 3-0-1 tan
19 115.61 Hz A2# 1-2-1 obl
20 121.66 Hz B2 4-0-0 ax
21 123.07 Hz B2 3-1-1 obl
22 125.77 Hz B2 3-2-0 tan
23 127.04 Hz B2 2-2-1 obl
24 129.13 Hz C3 4-1-0 tan
25 129.85 Hz C3 0-3-0 ax
26 133.36 Hz C3 1-3-0 tan
27 140.52 Hz C3# 4-0-1 tan
28 140.67 Hz C3# 0-0-2 ax
29 143.39 Hz D3 2-3-0 tan
30 143.92 Hz D3 1-0-2 tan
31 144.1 Hz D3 3-2-1 obl
32 147.04 Hz D3 4-1-1 obl
33 147.17 Hz D3 0-1-2 tan
34 147.67 Hz D3 0-3-1 tan
35 149.31 Hz D3 4-2-0 tan
36 150.28 Hz D3 1-1-2 obl
37 150.77 Hz D3 1-3-1 obl
Physics just sometime suck... or in this instance - blow.