Music Ward > Music Discussion
MP3 Bloglinks
Just Hi :) !
I'm just a newbie here, so please dont be angry on me, looks like you are all normal guys here,
So I would like you to ask, where did you donwload all of this MP3 files ? I tried several websites like and they
are quite good, but maybe you can recommend me some other sites for it ?
Thank you in advance for you help !
Hope to see you again
I strongly suspect most of the folks on this site don't download MP3's at all as the passion is for the best possible quality which is what an MP3 can't deliver due to the use of lossy compression.
I strongly suspected the original poster as a spammer due to his website link and deleted his account. If I did this in error, I apologize. Please re-register and make sure the website in your profile isn't pointing to porn.
The poll is missing "no never". This is a trend I want to see die, period. Not because of piracy but because it's a major dumbing down of music reproduction. It goes against all the progress made over the years. (I mean MP3 format) Lord, that old and lovely Sony Walkman pro. cassete machine would have stomped all over any MP 3 player in existence.
And it would eat an Ipod for breakfast. Damn those were good! anybody still got one?
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