Group Therapy > Sharing Experiences

CAF2016 and DCAudioDIY room 218


The DIY music server system for CAF2016, room 218. ASUS Netbook PC running Foobar2000 and DIY AK4490EQ HiRez DAC. Loaded Reiner conducting the Brahms 3rd and 4th Symphony in DXD 32bit/352.8KHz and Reference Recordings Exotic Dances HRx files in 24bit/176.4KHz format on the machine for some music.

The Netbook has spare USB ports for external file replay if folks bring USB hard or flashdrives with music.

I know the DCAudioDIY folks have a Linux machine and DAC setup for their music library as well.

Hope folks can go out to give a listen to systems built by music lovers for home reproduction.

Close up picture of the DIY HiRez DAC.


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