Systemic Development > Headphones

Replacement headphone cables?

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Any recommendations out there for headphone cables?

I'm increasingly getting annoyed at the stock, long as crap cables that came with my Oppo PM-3. The Oppos take standard plugs so not a big issue.

An important consideration... I'm a frugal SOB, so options like Blue Dragon cables from moon-audio, which I'm sure are fantastic, are quite a bit more than I want to spend. Curious if these on Amazon or Lavricables would be reasonable options... I was leaning to stick with copper though.

Other options but skeptical...
- Option 1
- Option 2


Hello djdube525,

My favourite topic - cables!  :)

Doubtful if these are really 6n or 8N cables.

But maybe something like this?

I see their cables for around $200 and at least you will get what you pay for.

PCOCC I think.

I've been itching to get cable upgrades for my Sennheisers but haven't gotten the chance yet.


   . Pangea will do just fine for headphones. Even the generic cables at your local music store [ Gar Center] will suffice. Easy to try first. You may be surprised.


I ran across a company called Periapt Cable and thought it's cheap enough
to give it a try. On my Sennheiser 598SR the cable is a nice improvement.
Messed up and got a 3.5 plug so have to use a 3.5 to 1/4" adapter that I had
around so not sure of i'm getting all they can do. It has sparked an interest in
seeing if I can do better though.


Triode Pete:

--- Quote from: dflee on January 05, 2019, 01:46:44 PM ---I ran across a company called Periapt Cable and thought it's cheap enough
to give it a try. On my Sennheiser 598SR the cable is a nice improvement.
Messed up and got a 3.5 plug so have to use a 3.5 to 1/4" adapter that I had
around so not sure of i'm getting all they can do. It has sparked an interest in
seeing if I can do better though.


--- End quote ---

Dandy Don,
I should send you my prototype cable...



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