Author Topic: Altmann Attraction and Lessloss 2004 DACs  (Read 17391 times)


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Altmann Attraction and Lessloss 2004 DACs
« on: January 22, 2007, 08:38:36 AM »
The first of probably many observations on these two superior digital conversion devices:

The Altmann Attraction DAC is a nonoversampling, 16 bit DAC with a number of innovative features.  It is battery powered, which is not so novel as it was even two years ago.  For a small upcharge, it can be prepared to accept any common digital frequecy up to 192 khz.  It also has a jitter-smasher option which Altmann terms JISCO.  Altmann recommends using a car battery for power source though I got a much smaller SLA battery which seems to work great.

The Lessloss 2004 oversamples 4x, up to 768 khz from whatever frequency comes in, up to 192 khz.  It uses regulated AC power for the digital section and inboard batteries for the output section.  Time between charges is listed at 10 hours and the unit will power itself down once the battery is low for recharging.  Lessloss encourages users to "slave" their transport clock to that in the DAC, claiming significant jitter benefits.  For now, all observations are made without using this feature.

My Altmann review is long and probably half done.  I should have finished it before receiving the Lessloss.  The Altmann is brilliant with the fabric of music and presenting a holistic message.  It keeps what is great about the nonoversampling sound but adds believable sharpness to notes, more detail, and frequency extension.

The Lessloss is utterly different, definitely falling into the "oversampling sound" camp.  It's really startling.  Details jump out from all over the place.  Voices are confined to a more human-sized space and the soundstaging qualities are definitely superior to the Altmann.  Frequency extension, at least on top, goes further up but does not get tizzy or glassy.  It's $1,000 more expensive than the Altmann and some of that definitely goes into aesthetics, as it comes in an actual case where the Altmann uses a spruce board for a hairshirt look.

The briefest synopsis would be to say the Altmann is a nonoversampling DAC which adopts extension and resolution from the oversampling crowd and the Lessloss is an oversampling unit which borrows the relaxed ease of presentation from the NOS group.

In this way, they're both enigmas.  Both are fantastic performers in their own, unique way, and both do things I haven't heard.  As to which is better, it depends on which direction your system needs help.  If you're running all solid state gear and wish for some tubed warmth, I'd guess the Altmann would be better.  If the system is softer and needs punch and vigor, the Lessloss is probably the ticket.

Within my own system, the choice is easy since the Altmann isn't fully compatible with the 24-bit output of my TacT preamp.  That notwithstanding, I wouldn't be surprised if my final preference didn't depend whether the Red Wine Sig. 70s or Yamamoto A-08s were in the system.  Yin and yang, cool breeze on a warm day, the sunshine on a cold winter day.  Balance and compliment.  Details without etch and relaxation without fuzz.

These pieces are an excellent sonic reflection of modern, excellent amplifiers.  Tubes are borrowing from the strengths of solid state and vice versa.  Accepted stereotypes are proving flexible.


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Altmann Attraction and Lessloss 2004 DACs
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2007, 08:31:01 AM »
  Where's your Altmann DAC right now?  :lol:  

  I hope to get the chance to hear it when it reaches Brad Baker in Houston.



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Altmann Attraction and Lessloss 2004 DACs
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2007, 08:35:43 AM »
Sweetness!  Share the love.

It's in San Diego now, off to a rocky start.  Either the battery or charger is shot and Seminarian can't figure out which.  So, it's delayed but should be running within a couple of days.

The good news is Brad's second on the list.


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Altmann Attraction and Lessloss 2004 DACs
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2007, 08:09:02 AM »
The Tour is running again, it should be off to a new stop somewhere around the weekend.  The info I'm posting here isn't getting the traffic it would over at AC so I'm going to try a new strategy - put it up here first for at least a few days so that AN can get "the scoop", then put it up over there.

I'd love to keep everything over here exclusively but I fear that the site is so new that people don't know to look for info here yet.


Offline Carlman

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Altmann Attraction and Lessloss 2004 DACs
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2007, 10:33:23 AM »
Quote from: "miklorsmith"
I'd love to keep everything over here exclusively but I fear that the site is so new that people don't know to look for info here yet.

Too true, Mike... it's up to us, the few, the brave... to spread the word! :)

Thanks for starting the tour on AN.

I really enjoy listening to music.