Author Topic: Extremely Rare SAS Audio Labs 10A Line Preamplifier Up for Sale on Ebay  (Read 12895 times)

Offline steve

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A gent sent me this link wanting to sell his 10A Line Preamplifier. Thought I would mention it here.

The 10A is only one of three preamplifiers listed in the Exceptional Catagory, mid 2000s, of Bound for Sound.

Other reviews.

"Bound for Sound, Issue #163 SAS Audio 10A Triode Preamp is one of only 3 listed in "Exceptional Merit" catagory. "I expecially feel that way about the SAS 10A, a tube unit of moderate expense that simply stomps a mud hole in just about every active unit made - regardless of price."

"Rich Weiner: "The SAS 10A is the most musically truthful preamp I'm aware of, and I will expand that statement by listing some of the line stages I've had in my otherwise very stable system: Herron VTSP-1, VAC CPA III, VAC Standard LE, Audio Research 3A, ARC 8, ARC 10, Mark Levinson ML-1, Levinson ML-7, Levinson ML-10A, Original Aronov PS-100 and Musical Concepts modification, Nagra PL-P, Beveridge RM-1, Rappaport, Placette Passive - there are more, but you get the point. Until I got the 10A, I struggled to make the other components live up to their potential." The 10A has been Rich's reference preamp for over 4 years. However, Richard now owns the 11A preamplifier as his reference preamplifier.

"Eric: "The 10A excels at tranparency. Not in the sense of being overly analytical, but in the sense that you hear the music as if it was live."

"Bob: "I liked this preamp…a lot! When I first turned it on, it seemed a bit dark and lacking in air, but in the next 30 minutes, the change that took place was amazing. If there was one word I would use to describe my experience with the 10a it would be evocative…or compelling. But wait, that’s two words isn’t it?""

(I never sold a 10A that was a floor model or store returned.)

When shipping, I would suggest United States Postal system.

I can send an owners manual via email if one if the seller does not have it.



« Last Edit: April 22, 2023, 11:07:10 PM by steve »
Steve Sammet (Owner, Electron Eng, SAS Audio Labs, Ret)
SAS "V" 39pf/m 6N copper ICs,
SAS Test Phono Stage
Acutex 320 STR Mov Iron Cart
SAS 11A Perfect Tube Preamp
SAS 25 W Ref Triode/UL Monoblocks
2 way Floor Standing Test Speakers

Offline Nick B

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Re: Extremely Rare SAS Audio Labs 10A Line Preamplifier Up for Sale on Ebay
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2022, 02:55:21 PM »
I think it’s likely to be a very, very good preamp. But I’m tapped out right now with moving expenses and it also doesn’t have a remote, which is a necessity for streaming and I want the convenience as well.
Orchard Starkrimson Ultra amp
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Offline TopRound‎

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Re: Extremely Rare SAS Audio Labs 10A Line Preamplifier Up for Sale on Ebay
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2022, 04:57:09 PM »
Why sell perfection? for cheap?
seems wrong
maybe its a scam?
seems shady.......
System: Nothing....gave it all up, but building a few things for my kids...vinyl, tubes and Gan Fet!

Offline TopRound‎

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Re: Extremely Rare SAS Audio Labs 10A Line Preamplifier Up for Sale on Ebay
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2022, 05:12:21 PM »
that was like a setup!
It was  to0 easy....

System: Nothing....gave it all up, but building a few things for my kids...vinyl, tubes and Gan Fet!

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Re: Extremely Rare SAS Audio Labs 10A Line Preamplifier Up for Sale on Ebay
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2022, 07:23:31 PM »
that was like a setup!
It was  to0 easy....
Imsee what you did there.  :D
"A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument." - Hilmar von Campe

Offline steve

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Re: Extremely Rare SAS Audio Labs 10A Line Preamplifier Up for Sale on Ebay
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2022, 10:21:44 PM »
A close pictorial inspection reveals it has a captive power cord, so one of my first units.

I do not know the Gent selling it, but I saw this:

Seller information

    rtboy10 (3947)
    99.8% Positive feedback

Pretty high positive feedback. Anyway a friend from near by sent me this:

Hi Steve,

Seller asking $1100 plus shipping.


and I thought I would
pass it on.


« Last Edit: December 17, 2022, 10:25:26 PM by steve »
Steve Sammet (Owner, Electron Eng, SAS Audio Labs, Ret)
SAS "V" 39pf/m 6N copper ICs,
SAS Test Phono Stage
Acutex 320 STR Mov Iron Cart
SAS 11A Perfect Tube Preamp
SAS 25 W Ref Triode/UL Monoblocks
2 way Floor Standing Test Speakers

Offline TopRound‎

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Re: Extremely Rare SAS Audio Labs 10A Line Preamplifier Up for Sale on Ebay
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2022, 04:49:04 AM »
Positive feedback means he sells many things, I think the number 3947 means how many transactions he has done, so he sells a lot of stuff
Thus info has no affect on the pros or cons of the preamp , only that he sells many things.
I have a friend who does the same thing, buys at estate and garage sales and flips them for huge profits
Ever since American pickers a whole subculture of people have developed from this show that do exactly the same thing.

System: Nothing....gave it all up, but building a few things for my kids...vinyl, tubes and Gan Fet!

Offline Nick B

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Re: Extremely Rare SAS Audio Labs 10A Line Preamplifier Up for Sale on Ebay
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2022, 09:16:22 AM »
A close pictorial inspection reveals it has a captive power cord, so one of my first units.

I do not know the Gent selling it, but I saw this:

Seller information

    rtboy10 (3947)
    99.8% Positive feedback

Pretty high positive feedback. Anyway a friend from near by sent me this:

Hi Steve,

Seller asking $1100 plus shipping.


and I thought I would
pass it on.



Hope somebody enjoys it. PS  I miss Marty and his newsletter
Orchard Starkrimson Ultra amp
Hattor Big preamp
JMR Voce Grande speakers
Holo Cyan2 dac
Holo Red streamer
Spiritual Sound digital coax
WyWires Silver cables
TWL Digital American II p cord
Audio Envy p cords
Roon, Tidal, Qobuz
PI Audio UberBUSS

Offline steve

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Re: Extremely Rare SAS Audio Labs 10A Line Preamplifier Up for Sale on Ebay
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2022, 09:39:35 AM »
Positive feedback means he sells many things, I think the number 3947 means how many transactions he has done, so he sells a lot of stuff
Thus info has no affect on the pros or cons of the preamp , only that he sells many things.
I have a friend who does the same thing, buys at estate and garage sales and flips them for huge profits
Ever since American pickers a whole subculture of people have developed from this show that do exactly the same thing.


The 3947 is the feedback the seller has received from customers. With such an overwhelming positive
score of 99.8%, that indicates the seller is honest.


« Last Edit: December 18, 2022, 09:56:35 AM by steve »
Steve Sammet (Owner, Electron Eng, SAS Audio Labs, Ret)
SAS "V" 39pf/m 6N copper ICs,
SAS Test Phono Stage
Acutex 320 STR Mov Iron Cart
SAS 11A Perfect Tube Preamp
SAS 25 W Ref Triode/UL Monoblocks
2 way Floor Standing Test Speakers

Offline steve

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Re: Extremely Rare SAS Audio Labs 10A Line Preamplifier Up for Sale on Ebay
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2022, 09:53:12 AM »
A close pictorial inspection reveals it has a captive power cord, so one of my first units.

I do not know the Gent selling it, but I saw this:

Seller information

    rtboy10 (3947)
    99.8% Positive feedback

Pretty high positive feedback. Anyway a friend from near by sent me this:

Hi Steve,

Seller asking $1100 plus shipping.


and I thought I would
pass it on.



Hope somebody enjoys it. PS  I miss Marty and his newsletter

I do too Nick. He was the most honest gentlemen, especially considering his position with BFS.
He lived what he "preached" from all I have read and my dealings with him.


« Last Edit: December 18, 2022, 09:59:23 AM by steve »
Steve Sammet (Owner, Electron Eng, SAS Audio Labs, Ret)
SAS "V" 39pf/m 6N copper ICs,
SAS Test Phono Stage
Acutex 320 STR Mov Iron Cart
SAS 11A Perfect Tube Preamp
SAS 25 W Ref Triode/UL Monoblocks
2 way Floor Standing Test Speakers

Offline TopRound‎

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Re: Extremely Rare SAS Audio Labs 10A Line Preamplifier Up for Sale on Ebay
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2022, 06:52:55 PM »
You mean the seller offered to reduce the price without you asking?

I smell a scam, if that's the case

I put up a preamp for sale loaded with Dave Slagles autoformers and output transformers, I must have received 35 emails with people offering me MORE than I was asking, I decided to keep it.
System: Nothing....gave it all up, but building a few things for my kids...vinyl, tubes and Gan Fet!

Offline TopRound‎

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Re: Extremely Rare SAS Audio Labs 10A Line Preamplifier Up for Sale on Ebay
« Reply #11 on: December 19, 2022, 02:53:00 AM »
Sorry, I'm not an ebayer..
System: Nothing....gave it all up, but building a few things for my kids...vinyl, tubes and Gan Fet!

Offline steve

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Re: Extremely Rare SAS Audio Labs 10A Line Preamplifier Up for Sale on Ebay
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2023, 11:05:39 PM »
It was sold and the purchaser is sending to me for a check up.


Steve Sammet (Owner, Electron Eng, SAS Audio Labs, Ret)
SAS "V" 39pf/m 6N copper ICs,
SAS Test Phono Stage
Acutex 320 STR Mov Iron Cart
SAS 11A Perfect Tube Preamp
SAS 25 W Ref Triode/UL Monoblocks
2 way Floor Standing Test Speakers

Offline satfrat

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Re: Extremely Rare SAS Audio Labs 10A Line Preamplifier Up for Sale on Ebay
« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2023, 04:47:28 PM »
Any thought of possible upgrades you might offer the purchaser Steve? An IEC terminal & power cord maybe? Is a remote even doable? Or is this a case of why mess with perfection of which I would totally understand.


Butler 3150 amps, Sunfire Theater Grand 4 processor, Mhdt Havana w/Vitamin Q cap bypass, HTPC, Empirical Off-Ramp 3 w/Ultraclock & Hynes PS, Odyssey Audio Lorelei's, Usher X-616's, Ridge Street Audio Poiema!!! IC/SC, BPT & UberBuss power conditioners

Offline Nick B

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Re: Extremely Rare SAS Audio Labs 10A Line Preamplifier Up for Sale on Ebay
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2023, 05:31:25 PM »
Any thought of possible upgrades you might offer the purchaser Steve? An IEC terminal & power cord maybe? Is a remote even doable? Or is this a case of why mess with perfection of which I would totally understand.



I would be interested to hear regarding potential upgrades as well.

Orchard Starkrimson Ultra amp
Hattor Big preamp
JMR Voce Grande speakers
Holo Cyan2 dac
Holo Red streamer
Spiritual Sound digital coax
WyWires Silver cables
TWL Digital American II p cord
Audio Envy p cords
Roon, Tidal, Qobuz
PI Audio UberBUSS