Group Therapy > NC Triangulation

Holiday Season G2G

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Is That K and K an older model ? It looks different than the one I have seen and heard

The meet was a lot of fun. Sol's amp, Anand's phono pre, Steve's DirectStream DAC were highlights for me.

Selah speakers were very impressive. Extended on both ends. They play much bigger than their small size would suggest.

I was surprised to hear how good my new Revels sounded with Sol's amp and Steve's DAC.

The AR tube amps sounded great too, but we mostly used my DAC with those which was limiting. Anand's phono pre and AR electronics was really superb playing his audiophile LPs.

Rare that a G2G has so many audio peaks despite so many gear changes. Excellent gear! Thanks to all who came and those who brought gear and victuals.


--- Quote from: ejk on December 07, 2015, 01:35:57 PM ---See that's what it's all about. And no one had to get banned

--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: ejk on December 07, 2015, 01:37:59 PM ---Is That K and K an older model ? It looks different than the one I have seen and heard

--- End quote ---

The case is custom.


--- Quote from: richidoo on December 07, 2015, 01:48:48 PM ---
--- Quote from: ejk on December 07, 2015, 01:35:57 PM ---See that's what it's all about. And no one had to get banned

--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: ejk on December 07, 2015, 01:37:59 PM ---Is That K and K an older model ? It looks different than the one I have seen and heard

--- End quote ---

The case is custom.

--- End quote ---
The case is custom.


I like that " Pleasure Control"  :thumb:

Sounds incredible!


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