It's good as a small adjustable helmholtz. That can be extremely important in some cases with a big resonance at a certain freq, and no space, desire or budget to build a large enough resonator to kill it. But not not an acoustic cure-all. It will be interesting to see more active developments like this in the future.
My neighbor was telling me about these Bose active headphones he got. He can mow the lawn and listen to tunes. He was on an airplane ride with an obnoxious screaming brat that other adults were yelling from rear seats to shut up but it wouldn't - but he never knew about it. He was embarrassed to tell me how much they cost ($300), but I told him it was OK, I understand..... I didn't tell him that I have $500 earbuds and still want even better ones.
![ROFLMAO :rofl:](
How bout a 4x8 sheet of active membrane mounted to wall/ceiling, individual acoustic "pixels" react to pressure sensors on the surface according to software. Dial your whole ROOM for stadium, club, anechoic acoustic simulation. Dial 300 - 1500ms decay, or EQ whatever decay you want at frequency to compensate for furnishings. Bryan, you got something like that at