Author Topic: Impromptu G2G at MDConnelly's to compare power conditioners this Friday 3/6  (Read 9627 times)

Offline mdconnelly

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I realize this is a bit last minute, but is anyone interested in an impromptu G2G at my place (downtown Durham) to compare the latest Running Springs Audio Jaco vs Equi=tech 1.5Q vs orig Shunyata Hydra?

I'm pretty much committed to replacing my Hydra with something that offers power protection as well as conditioning and I've got the latest 'Elite' version of the RSA Jaco (thanks Shane) as well as Carl's Equi=tech 1.5Q (after stealing it away from Rich).   

This Friday, March 6th, works for me but I realize this is kinda last minute.    Any takers?   I'll provide beer, wine, &/or bourbon (or water ;-) and will order pizzas with minimal contributions to the cause.

I'll be home from 5pm on so feel free to come by at any time.   Here's my address:

Mike Connelly
901 Urban Ave
Durham, NC 27701

Post here if you can make it.   I'll also post my preliminary thoughts on these two power conditioners soon.  Bring your favorite CDs (or vinyl) and, of course, if there's anything else you want to throw into the mix, that'll work as well.

Offline richidoo

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I think I have another engagement, but I'll know for sure tomorrow.

Offline mdconnelly

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Hmmm, I'm not feeling the love, gang  :-({|=

I guess trying to pull this off on a Friday night at the last minute isn't ideal.   Anyone interested and available?  Just let me know...

Offline richidoo

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I can't come. I have a dinner date with our daughters friends' parents. But they have an awesome home theater ;) 

Thanks for the invite Mike.

Offline stereofool

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Shoot...I'd love to come over, but I've got too much else going on, this weekend  :(!

Especially, for a fellow 10T owner  :D!
Have you ever noticed.... Anyone going slower than you is an idiot...and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?

Offline hometheaterdoc

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I'd love to come, but this Friday is tough.  I've got way too many boxes staring at me, as well as waaaaay too many things at the old house left to do.  I had to farm out some stuff to others as I'll never get it all done in the time I've allotted.
Shane Sangster
Used to be Night & Day Audio.......

Offline Carlman

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Friday nights are tough.  We're going out of town early Sat AM so I need time to pack.  Plus, that's the day the painters finish the basement... There may be some loose ends to tie up so I'll need to be around.
I really enjoy listening to music.

Offline mdconnelly

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I totally understand... Friday nights are tough even without being scheduled last minute.   Let me see if I can come up with a date further down the road for this.   In the meantime, I'll post any further insights about these conditioners in the Shock Therapy thread here:

Thanks again, Carl, Shane & Rich, for the loan of this equipment.

Offline richidoo

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Let me see if I can come up with a date further down the road for this.   

That would be awesome!