Hi pmkap, it's really not bad except being hard to get solder to stick to it... both the body and pin need to be extremely hot to get solder to stick.
And while the plug isn't bad by any means when you directly compare it to the Furutech it's a night and day difference. The Furutech has 2 set screws so solder is not needed, a non-magnetic SS/carbon fiber locking collet, and it looks and feels like a precision instrument.
The WBT also has a much more precise feel and the solder tabs on the nexgens are really nice and very easy to solder to. Overall build quality is better in both Furutech and WBT.
The Neotech also may have a rhodium plated upocc copper ground but it's pressed into a gold plated brass carrier, which seems like a design flaw...
These are all nice connectors and but for me I would take the WBT/Mundorf silver/gold Nexgen if they aren't too expensive and Furutech FP-101(G) if you want something cheaper.
Right now it's looking like there will be a D4 with the Mundorf RCAs and UPOCC silver returns.

The design of the cable itsself is not finalized though, not sure if it'll be hand built or machine built right now...
Fancy geometry and cable design doesn't mean much if it can't beat simpler designs, and while a more complicated geometry has theoretical advantages, that doesn't matter much unless there is a clear real-life advantage, i.e. it sounds better.