Author Topic: TWL Obsession or HP Digital American for PS Audio Directstream Dac?  (Read 16202 times)

Offline P.I.

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Re: TWL Obsession or HP Digital American for PS Audio Directstream Dac?
« Reply #15 on: May 10, 2019, 01:54:03 PM »
   So finally the real reason, PRICE. At least you admit to being a cheapskate.  :lol: :rofl:

charlie, you weren't paying attention.  price is the real reason, yes - and i made that point from the outset.  and it's not just that i am cheap, (which i am), but i refuse to spend money when it doesn't gain me anything.  i am not much into bling...   8)

doug s.

Really? Doesn't gain anything???? How do you know??? You NEVER even tried one of my power cords! How on earth can you make a statement like that?

This reminds of the Cable Naysayers in a NYC audio club. They will bash audiophile cables all day, without ever trying them, since they know better, since they know ALL the rules of physics & science... They are considered the "flat earth society" and their systems sound that way as well... To each, his own!

Rant over,

Pete, that is always the way.  :rofl:

I get lifelong EEs from Sandia National Labs into my room and they come in saying "It can't" and leave shaking their heads saying "I don't understand why that made that big of a difference".  The books don't teach what happens in the quantum realm concerning electrical properties and that is where it all starts.  Add to all of the things that are important besides LCR and one can 'begin' to understand the HOW it works.  From electrostriction to magnetic fields to material characteristics and everything in between.

I'd start another cable tour, but the last one ended up with me taking an almost $2K loss because of people that didn't return cables.  That sucked.  I was stupid because I made the assumption that there exists ethics and honor among like minded (to a point) audiophools.  The only fool was me.   :duh
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Offline Triode Pete

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Re: TWL Obsession or HP Digital American for PS Audio Directstream Dac?
« Reply #16 on: May 10, 2019, 05:21:53 PM »
Really? Doesn't gain anything???? How do you know??? You NEVER even tried one of my power cords! How on earth can you make a statement like that?

This reminds of the Cable Naysayers in a NYC audio club. They will bash audiophile cables all day, without ever trying them, since they know better, since they know ALL the rules of physics & science... They are considered the "flat earth society" and their systems sound that way as well... To each, his own!

Rant over,
pete, no need to rant.  there are plenty of folks who love your stuff.  obviously.  just because i am not interested in spending my money on expensive wire, doesn't mean there isn't a place for you and your product.

i actually hear quite well.  and i have "decent" cords, (most are recommended "budget specials"), and i have tried friend's/relative's more spendy cords, and i simply have not heard anything that would make me want to "upgrade". 

maybe it's because of my power conditioners.  maybe it's because i simply have way too many things going on - separate linestage, active x-over, main amp w/two power cords, subwoofer amps, internet tuna, analog tuna(s), turntable, phono stage, cd transport, cd dac, internet tuna dac, cd tube buffer, dbx 3bx, balanced power x-formers, isolation x-formers....  (or maybe it's because my power conditioners suck so much life out of my system, i may as well use $5 cords.  ha!  ;))  even at "only" $100 per power cord, i probably still have more money in them than most average folk have in their entire system. 

doug s.

No worries, Doug!

Have a great weekend,
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Offline P.I.

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Re: TWL Obsession or HP Digital American for PS Audio Directstream Dac?
« Reply #17 on: May 11, 2019, 09:27:53 AM »

while i am not big on expensive power cords, i can say that i am big on ethics; i have taken part in equipment tours, and have never not returned anything.  it's baffling that folks would do that.  :shock:

but i suggest that if you ever decide to do a tour in the future, you get a verifiable credit card # first, before you let anyone receive any of your trial equipment.  that way, you are protected. 

doug s.

"A man without ethics or a conscience is not a man at all" to quote my Dad.

I was shocked, too.  The only problem with getting a CC number is the ease with which a thief can cancel the charge these days.  Made me sad and determined not to ever do that again.

I did a similar tour of a cried CD to another identical one - bought from the same bin at the store.  The first few reviews were easily identified as to the cry version.  After that the feedback became mixed and then there were null tests.  When I got them back they looked like they had been walked on with golf shoes.   :roll:
« Last Edit: May 11, 2019, 09:30:15 AM by P.I. »
"A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument." - Hilmar von Campe