For those of you who use Pangea racks, this might be a worthwhile tweak.
This is a very affordable rack that looks like this stock. with only the bottom shelf isolated with spikes:
I've always been suspicious of what it was doing to the sound, so I decided to add spikes each individual platform to hear what that would do.
Added some M8 Flanged Button Head Socket Cap Screw Bolts on top and spikes to the bottom of each post.
This is what it looks like now.
I am hearing a more balanced sound. I left everything the same - sub level and volume.
To my surprise, there is less bass now. Or should I say, not as much bass and midbass. The midrange is not as forward as before as well. I can hear more separation of instruments, especially vocals.
The boards on the Pangea are MDF and not the hardwood type available on their pricier offerings. I guess it is safe to say that it was coloring the sound a lot before the 'upgrade.'
Not bad for a total cost of about $25, but this just shows how much further the sound can be improved. Next, I'll try damping the amp lid with a book as Dave suggested in this other thread:
You can look into that rabbit hole by taking a big, heavy book and set it on the top of the amp. This will give you an idea of what damping will do.
Thanks, for the suggestion, Dave!