Because I am a Mac Centric person and have been since the early 90's, and wanting to simplify the setup, I purchased a refurbished AppleTV from the online Apple Store. Nothin' wrong with the SqueezeBox, I just want more from this type of unit. I originally tried the AppleTV when it first came out but I had issues with and they could not be overcome at that time. I got a new iMac a few months ago, so I thought I would try again.
Before I bought the AppleTV, I tossed around the thought about having to the TV on, but that was quickly put to rest once I started seeing the album art and the capabilities of the AppleTV. I am no longer tied to having to have the computer on when playing music or watching movies or even listening to internet radio.
I switched back to AAC (320) from AppleLossles because I could not hear the difference and it now allowed my entire collection to be stored on the AppleTV.
For me it's working great.