Author Topic: ZMF Auteur  (Read 8417 times)

Offline dflee

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ZMF Auteur
« on: June 23, 2020, 09:05:58 AM »
Posted this on another site soooo
if you read it there, it is the same.

These headphones are the real deal.
I have been relegated to headphones since starting my business at home. In the duration I have gone through
six pairs of headphones and four dac / amps. Grado 125S, Sennheiser 598 SR, HiFiMan 400S, 400I, Sundara
and now Auteur. Each time prior to the Auteur things got better but I would still have to turn the
volume up to hear the detail and all the other things people want in a headphone to a point that after a time
the tinnitus would kick it up the ringing for a while after listening. I either had to forget listening to music while working or
try another route. I was in the process of thinking about another HP and called a distributor of that brand to get a better
feeling of what that HP sounded like. Speaking with the gentleman I explained that I was looking for detail, sound stage
and overall quality in sound without having to turn up the volume to get it. He tells me that he doesn't have what I'm looking
for but recommends the ZMF brand. After speaking to Zack (the head MF of ZMF), I decided to go with the Auteur.
I did have to wait a while since these HPs are hand made but it was and is worth the wait. I opted for the limited version which
is in Zebrawood and the looks are just incredible. I must admit I have not tried the stock cord because I had a Moon Audio cord
changed to fit with the mini balanced and was here before the phones so in they went from the get go.
Sound wise, theses are the best pair of phones I've ever had on my head. They are articulate, detailed, nice size sound stage
and an overall joy to listen to at a low sound level. When turned up they do not degrade the sound in any way that I can tell and
everything just gets, well, louder. Some reviews found the bass to be while detailed, lacking in punch. In my case, it is well defined
and as much "there" as I want it to be. I have not found it lacking in any way. The midrange is superb. Midrange instruments and
voice come through in a way that is neither recessed nor in your face. It's just there floating in the air in such a welcome way. Treble
is treble in such that it is true to those higher pitches of sound. I don't find all treble to be enjoyable and the Auteur presents it in a
truthful and mostly enjoyable manner but doesn't hold back or make the sound shrill.
These phones get better with improved upstream equipment. I have an older (C11) Accuphase pre with a headphone jack. The sound
with the Auteur is one that I had to pick my jaw up from the floor the first few times listening. Just blew me away. The 300 Ohm was a concern
but Zack informed me it would not be a problem with my Mytek Liberty Dac/Amp and he was correct. I find the sound level to be about the same
as the Sundara on the Liberty. The C11 is another story. While I had to turn the C11 up higher than with my amp and speakers for the Sundara
I actually can listen the the Auteur at a lower volume while still maintaining incredible sound.
Fit and finish had me a little concerned when I took them out of the almost bullet proof carrier the come in. Finnish is to die for but weight wise
I wasn't sure if I was up to the challenge of these on my head for a period of time (we're talking 4, 5 or 6 hours) that I would want. In my hand
I was thinking "ain't gonna happen" and stuck them on my head. I honestly don't know how they do it but once positioned on the head they don't
disappear but aren't near what you'd think they'd be. I can wear them for quite some time and not be hampered by the weight. Cups can get a
little warm (perforated leather) but again not to a point that they become unenjoyable. Would like to try the suede sometime to see if there is any
Bottom line (if you've stuck with me) is I have found what I consider the holy grail in Headphones. Yes they were expensive (to me) but are worth
every penny. I wish I would have bitten the bullet and gone with the Auteur up front and not spent quite a bit getting to this point. But then again maybe
I wouldn't have been as knowledgeable about what I wanted had I not. I will say for anyone getting into the world of head speakers, do yourself
a favor and don't listen to that little voice saying these are good enough cause their either great or their not. You will not be happy settling when it
comes to a purchase of this magnitude. I'm sure there are other head speakers that sound as good as the Auteur out there but after finding these,
I have no desire to search them out.
"Enjoy pleasure, not because it is fleeting, but because it exists at all." Sacrament, Clive Barker.

Offline P.I.

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Re: ZMF Auteur
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2020, 11:11:50 AM »
Great review, Nit.  When we talked about ‘phones I knew you were hesitant about them, but I’m glad to see that they really ARE what you were hunting down.  When we find “that” piece of the puzzle the rewards quickly outweigh the time, effort and $$$ spent.

Onward to the next quest, Brother!

"A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument." - Hilmar von Campe

Offline mresseguie

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Re: ZMF Auteur
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2020, 12:20:35 PM »

I'm glad you found them. I'm in the market for new phones, abd I'm considering HD800s HPs, but I haven't heard them.

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Offline dflee

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Re: ZMF Auteur
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2020, 05:30:58 PM »
Thank you Gentlemen.
With Dave's USB connection from computer to the Mytek Liberty (which is awesome),
Moon Audio phone cord and the Auteur I have a work space.
This has been very frustrating and an ordeal to say the least to get here.
In my case when things aren't clear, I tend to turn the sound up. In some cases
it stays muddled but most times gets better with volume. With volume comes worse
ringing do to tinnitus. Amazing thing about the ringing is in most cases it keeps people
awake. In mine since Iv'e had it all my life is it puts me to sleep. I fall to sleep within a
few seconds when I go to bed. My wife of 23 years still can't believe it. When I'm trying to
work in silence I have a heck of a time staying awake. Thus I need sound to help stay awake.
I can be working and even with phones on I don't hear the music at times cause I am concentrating
so heavily in what I'm doing. It just helps deaden the ringing.
Again thank you Dave and Micheal for reading the post.

Don (Nit of genus Wit)
"Enjoy pleasure, not because it is fleeting, but because it exists at all." Sacrament, Clive Barker.

Offline dflee

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Re: ZMF Auteur
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2020, 05:36:41 PM »
I gotta tell you guys, I love talkin to Dave. He is of a handful of people who get me.
He and I share spontaneity so one day I told him since we both enjoy each others wit, we shall
become the Wit brothers. I asked him which one he wanted to be, Dim or Nit.
The rest is history.
"Enjoy pleasure, not because it is fleeting, but because it exists at all." Sacrament, Clive Barker.

Offline Nick B

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Re: ZMF Auteur
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2020, 05:54:43 PM »
I gotta tell you guys, I love talkin to Dave. He is of a handful of people who get me.
He and I share spontaneity so one day I told him since we both enjoy each others wit, we shall
become the Wit brothers. I asked him which one he wanted to be, Dim or Nit.
The rest is history.

Glad you found a kindred spirit, Don....and Dave sure is a great guy  :thumb:
Orchard Starkrimson Ultra amp
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digital coax and interconnects
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Audio Envy p cords
Roon, Tidal, Qobuz
PI Audio UberBUSS

Offline P.I.

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Re: ZMF Auteur
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2020, 06:22:51 PM »
I gotta tell you guys, I love talkin to Dave. He is of a handful of people who get me.
He and I share spontaneity so one day I told him since we both enjoy each others wit, we shall
become the Wit brothers. I asked him which one he wanted to be, Dim or Nit.
The rest is history.
"A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument." - Hilmar von Campe