Author Topic: Mounting a Mono cartridge  (Read 4393 times)

Offline S Clark

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Mounting a Mono cartridge
« on: June 15, 2021, 06:41:40 PM »
A mono cartridge doesn't have as many issues to deal with when mounting compared to a stereo cartridge.
But do you still worry about setting it up for two null points?  Azimuth isn't much of a factor, is it? 
A friend pretty much destroyed his Benz Ace, and had it made into a mono.  He's loaned it to me since I have a sizeable mono collection and he has none.  Between how it sits and my increasingly bad eyes, I was having to guess a lot when installing it. (By the way, it actually sounds pretty darn good, and I may make him an offer on it)
I know Charles has a mono set up.  Anyone else around here?  Is there a go to guide for mounting mono?
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Offline rollo

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Re: Mounting a Mono cartridge
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2021, 08:17:28 AM »
   No special needs for mono cart. Just load it properly  Follow wiring scheme and be done. Truly a big step up listening to mono recordings . I was shocked as to the difference using a stereo cart. Enjoy.

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