I've been running 300Bs in tbis circuit for some time now. After modifying the filament supply for a 2A3, I prefer the 2A3. Not to say the 300B doesn't sound amazing (we have numerous Harmonias out there with 300Bs) but it can be a bit too much of a good thing with 300Bs feeding a DHT amplifier. However we do still offer both. I'm currently running an Anaview Class D module and both tubes sound great with this amp. Just a bit different.
I would never put down the 300B.
Something sounds better than a 300B?
I feel a strange disturbance in the force.
Bill I didn't mean to imply that you were putting down the 300B. Given it's followers who have raised it to an almost cult like status like fans of Star Wars, I just got a chuckle that anyone would talk about it not in superlative terms.
I have had both type of amps (2A3 & 300B) in both single-ended & push-pull versions... Overall, I think I prefer the sound qualities of the 2A3, but wish it had more power...
Sorry, I can't answer Bill's original question since I greatly preferred the sound quality of vintage 2A3's (Sylvania, RCA, Ken-Rad, etc., with the spring-top black-plate Sylvania's being my favorite). The new production 2A3's don't sound as glorious, but if I had to choose, I would pick the Electro Harmonix 2A3 Gold Grids... a very nice sounding tube...
With that said, I have to say that the driver / input tube(s) as well as the quality of the power supply iron (& quality rectifier) and the output iron have more of an influence on the sound than the power tube itself.
I've had many 2A3 amps have more bass than 300B amps... just sayin'... It's the sum of the quality parts that influences the sound quality overall...
With my current preamp (Vinnie Rossi Signature), I can use 2A3, 45, 300B, PX4, 101D, 205D, and SV811 DHT families... I've only used my older Western Electric 300B's in there... Perhaps time to break-out my 2A3 stash & try them in there!